Manuals for Schardt Playpens

Below you can find all models Schardt Playpens for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

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Latest comments

Manual Schardt Uno Playpen
SH 13-01-2020
Have you been able to find the parts somewhere? We are also looking for Part F from the manual. Best regards

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Schardt Uno Playpen
Manual Schardt Uno Playpen
Ria Bertels 03-01-2020
Hey, I bought a Schardt un box at the thrift store, some mounting pieces are missing, can I order them again. It concerns: 1x item A 2x item B 4 x item D 2x item E Best, Is it possible to order the mounting material of a Schardt Uno baby box separately, some items are missing..' Regards

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Schardt Uno Playpen
Manual Schardt Uno Playpen
Marina 01-11-2019
this box is super handy and narrow and fits everywhere doesn't seem very sturdy but it can hold a lot and it holds very well. It's just a shame that if you have lost the manual and have to reassemble it after a few years, you will not be able to put the box in the lowest position

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Schardt Uno Playpen