Manuals for Klarstein Ice Cube Makers

Below you can find all models Klarstein Ice Cube Makers for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

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Latest comments

Manual Klarstein 10045476 Ice Galet Ice Cube Maker
Juris 28-05-2024
In product description I read that is posible choose two types of ice cubes, small and big! How to change this ice cube type?

Klarstein 10045476 Ice Galet Ice Cube Maker
Manual Klarstein 10031372 On-The-Rocks Ice Cube Maker
Victor 10-10-2023
After a year the ice pusher broke down and stopped working. It is impossible to find a technical service to solve the problem

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Klarstein 10031372 On-The-Rocks Ice Cube Maker
Manual Klarstein 10028097 Icemeister Ice Cube Maker
Ayse Erler 10-09-2023
What is timer used for? For example, if it says 3.0, does it mean that ice cubes are only produced after 3 HOURS or that ice cubes are produced for 3 HOURS? Should you definitely set the clock? If we unplug it from the socket, will the clock keep running? Or should you reset the clock every time?

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Klarstein 10028097 Icemeister Ice Cube Maker
Manual Klarstein 10033478 Eiszeit Ice Cube Maker
Dirk reyenga 28-06-2023
Where can I get the Dutch version

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Klarstein 10033478 Eiszeit Ice Cube Maker